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Translational Research Centre for Digital Mental Health

The Translational Research Centre for Digital Mental Health (TRC-DMH) in Tung Wah College (TWC) aims to cultivate and enhance research expertise, competency, capacity, and infrastructure of TWC to conduct interdisciplinary and innovative translational research on digital mental health for improving the mental health and well-being of the community

Vision and Mission

Our Team

At TRC-DMH, our team of mental health professionals are deeply passionate about promoting mental health and wellbeing. Our team is made up of experts in various areas of mental health, including psychiatry, psychology, and counseling. We offer a safe and supportive environment for our clients, where they can access counseling, therapy, and other mental health services. Our team is dedicated to providing the highest level of care to help our clients achieve positive and lasting change.

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News & Event

【確保基層醫療服務公平及普及的研討會暨工作坊】將於2025年2月15日 (星期六)舉行!是次活動將匯聚香港知名學者和專業人士...

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